Guest Room Open-air Bath

Guest Room Open-air Bath

Yamanakako Hirano Onsen

Guest Room Open-air Bath
and Yamanakako Hirano Onsen

Each guest room is equipped with Japan’s highest-quality high-alkaline open-air hot spring baths. The alkalinity is pH 10.2, one of the foremost ones in Japan, yet it feels very nice, which makes the water quality so rare.

Source・Water quality・Effects

Source Yamanakako Hirano Onsen
Quality Alkaline simple hot spring (Hypotonic alkaline hot spring)
Effects Neuralgia, muscle pain, joint pain, skin-improving effect, frozen shoulder, motor impairment, bruise, joint stiffness, sprain, chronic gastrointestinal disease, hemorrhoid, sensitivity to cold, recovery period after an illness, recovery from fatigue and health promotion.

Enjoy a private natural hot spring!

Each building is equipped with the natural hot springs, and you can enjoy it whenever you like to. list